Celebrating guardians of corporate governance

On Thursday 25th March we hosted the 15th annual Non-Executive Director Awards as our first virtual awards ceremony. Peel Hunt are proud to organise the NED Awards celebrating Non-Executive Directors who drive change and whose contribution as guardians of corporate governance deserve recognition.

Congratulations to all of the 2021 nominees and winners.

FTSE 100 - Lord Norman Blackwell: Lloyds Banking Group PLC
FTSE All Share - Barry Gibson: HomeServe

FTSE AIM - Rob Woodward: Blancco Technology Group PLC
Private/ Private Equity Backed - Steve Holliday: CityFibre Holdings Limited
Not-Profit/ Public/ Public Service Organisation - Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller: Wellcome Trust
Dame Helen Alexander 'NED to Watch' - Mike Gahir: Steps to Work
Lifetime Achievement - Sir Donald Brydon CBE